For providers
Over 3.5 million seniors are looking for you
Gain patients and help advance senior oral health with a simple way to serve insured members covered under an AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from UnitedHealthcare.
AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance plan holders (over 3.5 million and counting!) only need to visit a provider in the Dentegra network, show their AARP Medicare Supplement plan ID card and pay you the Dentegra contracted fee.
Patients covered under these plans may contact your office and ask about the "Dentegra discount" or "discount plan," which is our network access plan (it's even easier!).
The Dentegra contracted fee (the "Dentegra discount") that AARP Medicare Supplement plan holders pay you is not dental insurance. That means you don't need to research benefits, submit claims or wait to be paid. Here's all you need to do.
If you're not sure where to find your Dentegra fee schedule or you have other questions, contact our Network Development team at 866-238-1580. You can also email